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What our Clients Say

‘The Graduate Project is a great team of professionals that are eager to help, no matter how urgent I need a role filled. They make sure they send us relevant candidates and the level of screening is fantastic.’

Design Council

‘We have been working with The Graduate Project for the last 3 years and they supported us recruiting very key positions. Just to name a few qualities, sense of urgency for each role, strong work ethic, understanding of business requirements, efficiency and friendliness demonstrated very strong recruitment skills and lead to delivery of high quality results.  We would highly recommend The Graduate Project as a specialist and dedicated recruitment company.’

Global Blue

‘I have been working with The Graduate Project for just over a year now. We have built a great relationship and rapport which makes recruiting a lot easier and relieves some of the stress that comes with recruiting. They have taken the time to learn and understand how our firm works and our culture and only send candidates at their best! I receive great service and fast responses to any queries that I may have about candidates, they advise me on the current market/salaries and are always there when we need support in recruiting. The Graduate Project has placed some gold star candidates at Raffingers and have fitted in very well.
They would always be one of our top recruitment firms to go to’. 


Want to find out more? Call us on 020 7043 4629 or get in touch using the form below.