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Recession Proof Jobs

  • November 24, 2022

It’s no secret that the current economy is tough. And it could get more difficult before it gets easier. Jobs are scarce, and those that are available are often low-paying and require long hours. But if you’re willing to look around and develop your skills, some potentially recession-proof jobs can keep you secure during tough economic times. 


What are recession-proof jobs? 

When the economy is going through a recession, it’s often difficult to find job security. In the face of an uncertain economic outlook, some jobs are more or less recession-proof. These are occupations that will remain in demand no matter what fluctuates with the market. 

Occupations such as health care workers, IT professionals, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, and educators as among those considered recession-proof as they perform necessary tasks that can't be easily outsourced or automated. 

Heading into a recession doesn’t have to mean risking it all career-wise either; recession-proof jobs offer people stability and a regular income even in tough economic times. For those people whose jobs may have been put at risk due to recessionary pressures, these alternative sources of stable employment are certainly worth considering. 

Not only could they save them from sudden redundancy but might also provide the psychological comfort that comes with secure job prospects whatever state of financial turmoil the world faces in the future. So consider recession-proof jobs for sure: after all, there are worse things than investing some time into your career security! 


How can you find a recession-proof job that's right for you? 

Finding the perfect job in a rapidly-changing economy can seem impossible. During recessions, it's important to get creative in order to find and keep secure employment. While no job is truly recession-proof, there are certain fields that tend to remain strong through economic downturns. 

Look for industries that involve basic human needs such as healthcare and food services; these are often more resilient than other fields, such as retail or hospitality. If you have transferrable skills, package them in ways that demonstrate how they can be valuable in your target field—it might just be the boost you need to land a job. 

Consider working on developing additional marketable skills while you're looking for your next career step. Employers are often willing to take a chance on candidates who show an eagerness and willingness to learn new things. 

Finally, keep an open mind when considering risks— sometimes taking an opportunity that looks daunting at first can lead to huge rewards down the road. By continuing to stay sharp and searching with an open heart, you'll likely find a great job before you know it! 


How to make your current job more secure during economic downturns 

As a recession looms, job security is something that everyone is concerned about. With the economy in a state of flux, it can be difficult to find security in your current position. That said, there are ways to make your current job more secure during economic downturns. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips for strengthening your position at work during economic downturns 


Be Proactive and Resourceful  

The best way to make yourself indispensable is to take initiative and be proactive. This means being resourceful and finding solutions before problems arise. The more you can do independently, the less likely it is that someone else will come in and do the same work better or faster than you. If you can prove that you are a valuable asset to the team, then it will be harder for them to let you go when times get tough. 


Network Within Your Industry  

Networking with others within your industry can help you stay ahead of potential job opportunities or changes that could affect your current role. When other people know who you are and what skills you have, they may be more willing to recommend you for job openings or provide advice on how to stay secure in your current position. Additionally, networking can also open up new doors for career growth within your industry. 


Stay Up-to-Date on Market Trends  

It’s important to stay informed on market trends related to the industry in which you work in order to protect yourself from any potential downturns or layoffs. Doing so will allow you to anticipate any changes that may occur as a result of market fluctuations and give you time to adjust accordingly if necessary. You can even use this knowledge as an opportunity to improve upon existing skills or learn new ones that may become increasingly valuable due to shifts in the market landscape.   

No one wants their livelihood threatened by economic instability; however, some steps can be taken towards protecting yourself from financial hardship during times of uncertainty. By being proactive, resourceful, networking within your industry, and staying up-to-date on market trends, you can strengthen your position at work during economic downturns while still being able to enjoy a secure future with financial stability. 


Top Recession-Proof Jobs 

There are a number of different factors that contribute to a job's resilience in times of recession. Some jobs are more likely to experience downturns than others, and some industries are more vulnerable than others. That said, there are certain occupations that tend to be more recession-proof than others, Here are a few jobs 


Food service professionals 

Food service professionals, such as chefs and cooks, provide the meals and snacks that people consume every day. With consumers looking to save money during recessions, they continue to rely on fast food outlets and restaurants instead of dining out. 

Waiters Salary Range: Minimum Wage plus tips. 

Chef Salary Range: £11.60 p/h (sometimes plus tips) 


Healthcare workers 

Healthcare workers are in high demand due to their importance in providing essential services such as medical care, nursing support, and home health aide services. With an ageing population creating further demand for these services, healthcare workers are likely to remain in high demand throughout recessions. 

Healthcare Worker Salary Range: £21k-£29k 


IT professionals 

IT professionals are essential in keeping modern businesses running, from managing security to troubleshooting technology. As the world increasingly moves to digital platforms, demand for these roles will continue to grow - and remain recession-proof. 

IT Professional Salary Range: £25k-£45k 


Plumbers & Electricians 

The services of plumbers and electricians are needed to keep buildings functioning safely. As such, these jobs can be safely considered recession-proof due to their importance and ongoing need 

Plumber Salary Range: £20k-£45k 

Electrician Salary Range: £25k-£50k 


Government employees 

Government employees provide essential services including administration and policy enforcement, which makes their roles resilient during recessions. Local governments may also be engaged in programmes designed to help boost employment during recessions, leading to job opportunities for those looking to enter the field. 

Government Employee Salary Range: £18k-£33k 



Educators, such as teachers and professors, are needed to ensure the continuity of knowledge that is essential for the future. As such, jobs in this field tend to remain strong despite economic downturns. 

Teacher Salary Range: £22k-£37k 

Professor Salary Range: £36k-£62k 


There are a number of different jobs that are resilient to economic downturns. By following the tips we've outlined in this article, you can strengthen your position at work during a recession while still being able to enjoy a secure future with financial stability. 

Considering recession-proof jobs when making career decisions is essential for ensuring that your skills are in high demand whatever the economic climate. These jobs offer security and stability, as well as propelling you towards a successful career.