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A-Level Results Day 2022: What to expect

  • August 18, 2022

What to expect when you’re expecting… your results! A quick guide on how results day goes so you can be prepared for the big day. 

When is Results Day 2022? 

A-level results day is Thursday 18th August 2022. You are able to collect your results from 8am typically, but check what time your school’s results day opening times are beforehand. 

How should I prepare? 

I know you are probably panicking about results day but you’ve already put the hard work in, there’s no point stressing now. The best thing to do now is to wait- and prepare for the next steps. 


Make sure that you have all of your important details and information to hand. This is going to be needed, especially if you end up having to go through clearing. 


You will need to be ready with your: 

  • UCAS ID number (and log-in details). 

  • UCAS Clearing number (which will become available on UCAS Hub if you’ve been rejected by both your firm and insurance choices, making you eligible for Clearing). 

  • Clearing phone numbers for universities you may want to apply to, you can find these on their website. 

  • Your personal statement-which you may need for the universities you speak to in Clearing. 


It is better to be prepared for clearing and not need to be, than to be unprepared and having to scramble to find this information at the last minute. Doing this research will allow you to stay cool and focused on results day. 

What happens on A-level results day? 

You can collect your results from your school or college, make sure to have checked what the exact opening and closing times are as they vary between institutions. 


UCAS will update your Hub directly-normally around 8am. The system might be busy because everyone is getting their results at the same time, so it may lag or take a minute longer to load. Be patient, it will work. 


You can check UCAS Hub before you collect your results to see if you’ve got into any of your university choices. However, you won’t be able to see your exact grades there. You will still have to collect your results in person, or via email if that option is available to you. 


If you cannot collect your results in person, advise your school beforehand and arrange for someone else to do this on your behalf, or email if available. 


If you open your results at school and they don’t go to plan, teachers will be able to support you on what to do next. However, if you need to go through clearing, these phone calls will need to be made by you as the universities will want to speak to you directly. 


If UCAS Hub has still not updated by mid-morning on results day, you’ll need to phone the university because it suggests they are yet to make a final decision on your application. You can find their hotline number listed on the uni’s website, if there isn’t a specialised number then call their regular hotline. Make sure you make it clear you are an existing offer holder, not a clearing applicant.  

If you’ve met your offer… 

Then you’re all set! You’ll be sent a confirmation from your choice and your next steps are to prepare for university.  


Make sure you: 

  • Sort out your accommodation 

  • Make a packing checklist to make your life easier 

  • Get your finances in order- create a budget and begin saving money 

  • Research the area 

If you’ve just missed your grades… 

You may still get an offer from your first choice, don’t be too disappointed.  


Check your UCAS Hub to see if your status has changed to ‘unconditional’ or if your place has been offered but on a different course, which you’ll have to accept or decline. 


If you choose to decline your offer then you can go into clearing.  


If you intend to appeal your grades or if you only just missed them by a couple of marks, you have the option to ask your firm choice to reconsider accepting you. Your teachers can help you with some tips on navigating this conversation. 

If you miss your firm offer and the university will not accept you… 

You still have several options, which include: 

  • Accepting your insurance place 

  • Applying elsewhere through clearing 

  • Re-taking you’re a-level exams 

  • Re-applying next academic year 

If you’ve met your insurance offer… 

That’s great news! Wait for your confirmation email to arrive and arrange accommodation. You will also need to update your student loan details, as you may be entitled to more or less depending on where you’re going to study. 

If your grades are much lower than predicted… 

Check UCAS Hub before you panic, you may still have an offer. You are still able to phone the university and discuss your situation. 


This can be a very hard situation but your friends, family and teachers can support you. Your school has seen so may other students in your position before you, they know what to do. You will be okay, don’t start to think that your ‘life is over’.  


There are still options available to you, including: 

  • Applying for a new course through UCAS Clearing 

  • Re-taking you’re a-levels next summer and reapplying then 

  • Having a Gap Year- getting a job, some real life experience, going to college to do a non-degree course or apprenticeship 


No matter what happens, we wish you the best of luck!