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Top Tips on Pre-Interview & Post-Interview Prep

  • March 17, 2022

There is a lot of anxiety leading up to an interview, this is completely normal - the majority of the world gets this way.

However, there are some things you can do to prepare yourself and settle those nerves before the big moment.

1 - Familiarise yourself with the job description

This will help you prepare anecdotes to share of times where you have had relevant experience with skills that the company is asking for!

2 - Research the Company

See if you are able to find what the company’s values and mission is. Remembering these for the interview could be key to landing the job as if you apply them to yourself the company will see you as the perfect fit for their position!

3 - Feign Confidence

Sometimes the best way to gain confidence is simply through pretending that you are. This not only looks good to the interviewer but it can also supply you with a little confidence since you are acting that way and being perceived in the same manner.

4 - Check the News

This could put you that step ahead of your competitors. Knowing news surrounding your sector can show that you have an active interest in what you are interviewing for but also know the possible risks that are currently circulating (you can research how best to handle these and apply them to possible challenges the company may face).

5 - Utilise LinkedIn

Reaching out to employees of the company in advance can be a great way to find insider knowledge about the company. You can even ask those you connect with whether they have any tips or insights for you to prep for the interview


The interview is now over and you are likely letting your nerves deflate and are trying to manage all of your excess adrenaline.

Now is a good time to prepare yourself for the result.

Here are a few tips as to what to do after you have left your interview:

1 - Follow Up

Time to show your gratitude and appreciation to the interviewer and the company for spending their time with you. Traditionally you would do this through an email thanking them for their time but you could also send them a message on LinkedIn if you are connected.

2 - Be Patient and Stay Calm

This is much easier said than done, but the company will eventually contact you with news of the outcome. In the meantime try to distract yourself so you are not constantly just waiting for that phone call or email. It should only be a maximum of 14 days before you hear back!

3 - Try Not to Worry

Yes, I know that this is much easier said than done, but try to remember that it is no longer in your hands and there is nothing you can do about it now. Worrying will just make your wait for an answer feel much more prolonged. Similarly with the last step, the best way to do this may be to distract yourself from thinking about it.

4 - Chase It

If it feels like too much time has passed since your interview and you have not received any response, maybe between 7 and 14 working days, then it might be time to chase the interviewer. Send a polite email asking if there was any update on the interview, make sure to be respectful so you do not hinder your chances if they have not made a decision yet.

5 - Request Feedback

Feedback is important whether you got the job or not. It is always the right time to reflect on your actions, so you know to repeat certain behaviours and to stop others that you may not be aware of. This will be key to other successful interviews in the future.